. . . . . .  The Oxnard Journal is the Independent and Progressive News Source for Oxnard & the World.....   
  The Oxnard Journal --  05 ~ 05 ~ 05  --  Oxnard, Calif. --    --------------------


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 "Hands along the pipeline" is an event that the LNG Task Force has been planning
for several months.  
We are asking people to show up at Pacifica High School in Oxnard, where we will hold hands along the route of the proposed pipeline along Gonzales Road. The media will be there, so we are hoping for a big turnout.

HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE event, scheduled for Saturday morning, May 14th from 10:00AM until noon in front of the Pacifica High School at 600 E Gonzales Road (Oxnard Blvd and Gonzales). LNG is big news in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties and throughout the country. HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE is your best opportunity to show local and statewide decision makers that you expect them to stand up for your right to say NO to LNG!

Please confirm that you will join me. Take a minute today to look at your calendar, write-in HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE and then send me an email saying “You can count on me!”
CONFIRM ATTENDANCE thru E-Mail to Owen Bailey of the Sierra Club  -- email :  Owen Bailey

Don’t forget our monthly LNG Task Force meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 from 6:30PM to 8:00PM at the Oxnard Public Library (251 South A Street in Oxnard)

Visit Sierra Club's Great Coastal Places website at http://www.sierraclub.org/ca/coasts/

VISIT OUR LOCAL --- Los Padres Chapter of the Sierra Club web site and learn more about LNG

                NO  LNG                    


Have You Given Thot 2:


LNG Has a serious impact on air quality! 

Especially for those most vulnerable to

 air pollution!


Asthma is related to air quality and our air quality is threatened by plans for two LNG Platforms off of our coast. There are many risks, but the daily impact would be on air quality. Hundreds of Tons of Nitrogen Oxide and other pollutants would be released into the air - every year.  Add to the air pollution the fact that Oxnard is in a unique air inversion zone that sometimes compresses to less than 100 feet high. This is in the AQMD handbook.  Most air inversion zones are 1,000 feet high.

Please support the American Lung Association of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties' 2005 Blow the Whistle on Asthma Walk, scheduled for May 7, 2005 at the Ventura Harbor Village in Ventura.

Please visit www.asthmawalk.org and look for GOT ASTHMA? STOP LNG! Follow the instructions to join the Team.  Or you can help by making a secure online donation.  If you do not have access to a computer or do not feel comfortable using one, please call the following number:  986-4498.

The Port Hueneme Mayor Murray Rosenbluth and City Councilwoman Maricela Morales are sponsoring a team which is walking around the Harbor on May 7 to bring attention to the fact that LNG will be responsible for air pollution, and therefore health problems.

Subject: Got Asthma? Stop LNG!
I'm raising money to help children/adults/elderly with Asthma AND raising awareness about LNG's serious impact to air quality - for all, but especially for those most vulnerable to air pollution.  

Asthma is the leading chronic illness among children and kills more than 5,000 Americans every year.

Asthma is related to air quality and our air quality is threatened by two plans for LNG Terminals/Platforms off of our coast. There are many risks, but the daily impact would be on air quality. Hundreds of Tons of Nitrogen Oxide and other pollutants would be released into the air - every year.  

Please support the American Lung Association of Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties' 2005 Blow the Whistle on Asthma Walk, scheduled for May 7, 2005 at the Ventura Harbor Village in Ventura.

I have set a personal fundraising goal of $500.00 to help the Lung Association in its fight against asthma, and  I would appreciate your support in helping me reach this goal.

You can also JOIN the GOT ASTHMA? STOP LNG! team. 

Please visit www.asthmawalk.org and look for "Got Asthma? Stop LNG! and follow the instructions to make a secure online donation.  I would appreciate any contribution you decide to make.

Thank you! Gracias!
Maricela :)


Towers Over Oxnard............

Citizens in North Oxnard are wondering what will become of the recent proposal submitted before  the Oxnard City Council regarding three new giant high-rise towers that will dwarf the two existing  neighboring towers built by Martin V. "Bud" Smith at Oxnard's financial plaza.

Oxnard leadership is considering a new focus for growth and that direction is UP.

Windsor North Neighborhood Chair Jean Joneson is organizing neighborhoods in the northern sector of Oxnard to become immediately involved in this proposal by the City to approve of such a dramatically imposing set of structures so close to the railroad, highway, Esplanade, Vineyard, Walgreen's -- the Trailer Park across from Levitz. and just the whole future and skyline of Oxnard.

Of most concern to Ms. Joneson, is the lack of neighborhood information being shared with neighborhoods regarding major projects in their area.  Cited by Joneson, Chair of Windsor North is an apparent lack of neighborhood organization in adjoining neighborhoods such as El Rio.

In a recent e-mail to neighborhood chairs and representatives, Joneson stated:  " River Park was approved because El Rio has no neighborhood council active.  With the help of the existing and surrounding neighborhood councils we should voice our opinion and concerns regarding the towers."

The idea of the Towers may have left the cognitive public mind, but the project is still on the drawing board and most likely will not be named Bedford Pinkard Towers, but it will indeed bear the brand of which ever public official steps up the plate claiming this project as 'his baby!".

There will most likely be some comment on this proposal at the next Inter-Neighborhood Council Forum (INCF) meeting on May 4th -----  the INCF meets every First Wednesday of the month in the City Council Chambers and meetings convene at 7 p.m.

Special Guest Speaker at the May INCF meeting will be Oxnard Police Chief John Crombach.

Public and Neighborhood Representatives are invited to attend this public meeting - and if you can't attend, you can watch it on Oxnard City Watch TV channels 10 and 17....(on cable).



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City Council Meets

The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.

Council Meetings are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17













Oxnard Journal's Star Photog

       James Steven Houser


FROM THE Ox  Jo to Residents concerned
about the proposed new LOWEs at Carriage Square........

My first suggestion is to call as many people as you know about the meeting.
My second suggestion is to attend City Council meetings on Tuesday nite and use your 3 minutes at public comments to get your points out so more people will be aware --- you'd be surprized how many people do watch the city council meetings on TV.
The city has a new Traffic Planner - Jason Samonte -  he may already have some plans on the board for handling traffic -- I know you have suffered severely for the past few months with the mess at C Street - Gonzo Rd. and all the extra traffic on Citrus due to the re-routing.
FYI - the Post Office on C Street gained an extra fleet of postal vehicles when the Saviers Road Post Office discontinued their postal delivery from that station and moved all the delivery functions to C Street - so we now have had an overflow of postal trucks since the first of the year and doubled the number of postal vehicles leaving and entering the C Street PO.
These Community Meetings are primarily a way for the City to Cover it's ASSets - but attending them is good because the developer and the city planners are all in the same room and changes to plans have actually happened due to these meetings - so they are valuable at times.



       College Park Fiasco      
What Happened to the agreement,
findings, & recommendations
of the College Park Review Committee?
The City of Oxnard still has to account for it's agreement/contract with BigLeagueDreams - and where is the Mayor on this developing Issue ... ?


AVIE's Thought for the DAY.....

"Good friends are like stars......You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."



Coming Events:

The First & Third Tuesday 2005
      Oxnard Screenwriters meeting
      Borders Bookstore Cafe
      7-9 PM

PHIL ROCKWELL is the stalwart group leader of Oxnard Screenwriters,
he can be reached via e-mail for more info on .

Group meets every FIRST & THIRD Tuesday at Borders Books in the Esplanade.  Be on time for 7 o'clock start. -- bring a sample of your writing....


........Please support the Ox Jo in becoming Oxnard's
next real newspaper - someday we
will be the voice of Oxnard - not the


    Craig's List  //  LA   //  SB  //



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Avie Guerra's Oxnard News Page




Count Down

Gang Signs - OSJ
13-Year-old's Cry
The 04-04-04 OxJo
Leo Medina
Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard




Beautiful Wilson Historic
Neighborhood Views.

Tomás Cafe Hosts PPV Fight Nite

Oxnard Economic Outlook  

Is Oxnard's Living Wage
Policy A Joke?

FRYs Electronix Coming to OX

Patel Family Horror - Oxnard - the
                      City that cares less













See Last April's Issue of the Ox - Jo


More Pertinent Info
on the
LNG ISSUE::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;..........

Dear LNG Task Force member,


The time is now!  Those pushing risky LNG tankers and terminals off the coast and new high-pressure gas pipelines up to the doors of Ventura County’s homes and schools want you to be discouraged.  They want you to think this is a done deal.  They think we will stop tabling, knocking on doors and making phone calls.  They are wrong on all counts.


And to show them, your neighbors, friends and fellow LNG Task Force members are out there working to make sure that all of Ventura County is safe.  They are meeting new people and telling them that there is a better way.  We do not need more dangerous, polluting, foreign, fossil fuels to generate California’s energy.  We can have affordable, clean, safe and renewable energy, not twenty years from now, but today!  The time is now!


Please join us and do your part!  As we count down the days to our big HANDS ALONG THE PIPLEINE event on Saturday, May 14th, we need your help to get the word out!  We can make a difference for Ventura County’s future.  We can help ensure that the children have clean air and safe neighborhoods.  And we can help California to make smart choices for energy generation.  But we need your help and truly the time is now!


What you can do:  Look for details below.

  1. Join Bill, Gloria, Joni, Carmen and Ed for the neighborhood walk, Sat, April 30th
  2. Join a tabling team and help get the word out
  3. Join us and make reminder calls on Monday, May 2nd
  4. Attend our monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 4th.
  5. Join the Got Asthma? Stop LNG team on Saturday, May 7th
  6. RSVP to attend our HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE event, Sat, May 14th
  7. Write a letter to the editor.


1. Neighborhood walk

It’s easy, only takes a couple of hours and can really make a difference.  Most people do not even know that LNG is threatening their homes and by telling them about HANDS ALONG THE PIPLEINE, you are providing them a valuable service.  Put on comfortable shoes and join the team at 10:00AM on Saturday, April 30th near the Pacifica High School ( turn on Entrada – off Gonzales Rd/ opposite Pacifica High School – and then take a right on Roble St) or call Bill and Gloria at 805-488-0422 for better directions.

2. Table to help stop LNG

This weekend we have a great team tabling at the Channel Islands Farmers Market.  They will be getting petitions signed and passing out flyers for HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE.  Now, we need help in Ventura.  Our “master tabler” Karine wants to table at the Ventura Marina and she needs your help.  Call Karine at 917-846-4719.  She is very flexible with time and will try to meet you for whatever time you have free. 


3. Phone with us

Last week we made calls for just a couple of hours as a team, and we were able to confirm 51 new people for HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE. These are all easy calls to supportive people; they all just need a reminder because everyone is busy. Join us Monday and bring your cell phone. We will have pizza, make calls from 6PM to 8:15PM and turn people out for HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE.  We will meet at the rec. hall behind Bill and Gloria’s home (250 East Pleasant Valley Road.  There is parking one block away at the TresSierra’s Super Market on the corner) of Saviers Road and Pleasant Valley.  Send me an email or call Bill and Gloria and 805- 488-0422 to confirm you can make it.


4. Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter LNG Task Force Monthly Meeting

A lot has happened since last month.  Join us on Wednesday, May 4th from 6:30PM to 8:00PM at the Oxnard Public Library (251 S A St) to learn more about HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE, to hear how we did in Sacramento last week and to learn what you can do to help protect Ventura County’s schools, homes and environment from dangerous LNG.


5.  Join the Got Asthma? Stop LNG team on Saturday, May 7th

On Saturday morning, May 7th, one week before HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE, The Mayor of Hueneme, Murray Rosenbluth and City Council Member Maricela Morales have organized a team entitled “Got asthma?  Stop LNG” that will be walking around the Ventura Harbor for the American Lung Association.  This is a great opportunity to raise awareness of LNG, hand out flyers for HANDS ALONG THE PIPELINE, and make a difference for Ventura County.  For more information on getting involved with the Got Asthma? Stop LNG team, you can visit this website: http://www.mrsnv.com/evt/e01/team.jsp?id=622&tid=130



The event is Saturday, May 14th from 10:00AM until around noon in front of the Pacifica High School (600 E Gonzales Rd., Oxnard).  We will have speakers, refreshments and an opportunity to send a creative and memorable message to Governor Schwarzenegger.  Please RSVP ASAP!  Send me an email with your full name and phone number or call Ariana at 805- 683-7539.  This is your best opportunity to show the media and decision makers that LNG is B-A-D for Ventura County.


7. Write a letter to the editor

Write to letters@venturacountystar.com or letters@latimes.com   This is an important time to make sure our message is out there.  There is a lot of pressure from other states, big corporations and foreign governments to bring LNG through your communities.  If you haven’t had a letter published in the last 30 days, now is the time.  Make sure you add your name, address and phone number (although only your name and city will be published) and don’t worry about writing the perfect letter, just write a letter.




Owen Bailey

Sierra Club, Great Coastal Places

3435 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 660

Los Angeles, CA 90010

213 387 6528 ext 211

213 387 8348 fax











Oxnard City Council Chambers
7 p.m.

Public Comments:
of Free Speech
to tell the Council how you
feel and stand on local issues.



Ox Jo

2004 ~ 2000


JANUARY 2005 Ox Jo Issue

Oxnard Maps by Dept.

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 -C A N D I D A T E S

cool clock



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::::City Council and Mayor - Candidate Websites :::::::: See how they look after Elections......
 :::::: Dr. Pinkard ::::::  Bill Winter :::::: D. Frank :::::: Saul Medina  :::::: Tim Flynn :::::: 
                   ::::::::::: Council ::::::::::::::   Mayor :::::::::::::::: Mayor :::::::::::::::: Council :::::::::: :  ::for Tim's e-mail use this



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Ultimate Oxnard Linx - IV - (4)



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Reagan Pix
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Memorial to a President
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Gang Signs atop - Old Saint John's Hospital - OSJH - . 16 pix - slow load (136K ea)

 Read about Oxnard City Government

Keep an Eye on the
Planning Commission


Keep an Eye on the City Council



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Oxnard Journal
PO Box 59
Oxnard, Calif. 93032

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