The Oxnard Journal
.....Novem. 2oo6
,,,.....................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....................You are Reader #
...........................................................................................................................................E•MAIL -the Ox Jo.......
  Here's the Deal.

When you look at the demographics of who votes and who does not - it only takes a session or two of working the polls on any given election day to see who actually comes to vote.

In Oxnard, the usual voter is 50 years or older, white, and has the time and luxury to go vote at 10AM or 2 PM when few are in line.  This makes up the bulk of voters.   The working class has to either get up early to vote before work, or do it when they come home, after they  are tired of working and don't especially look forward to standing in line.  The polls are obligated to stay open if there are voters still in line, but many become discouraged if they look at the clock, see it is 6:30 PM already and they figure "Why Bother".

So with the current system of voting in place, the current method of electing officials, and the current means of informing the voter, we will always be subject to the same results at the polls. It is indeed difficult for a non-incumbent to reach office in small local races.

Having run for local office in Oxnard several times since 1992, I have experienced the dreams, the hopes, the aspirations of being able to take office, only to have the reality of the uninformed voter squash my hopes to make a difference in how things are done in Oxnard local government.  I label these voters as 'un-informed' because they don't care to hear about any new ideas or to see or acknowledge any of the problems that face a majority of others.

The only thing going for my campaign is the anti-incumbent swell that seems to be prevalent within the psyche of the American voter this year. With Bush and his IRAQ-Attack, Katrina-Lack-of-Attack, and the general malaise with the whole shooting match in Washington, there may well be a swell of anti-incumbency arising with party favors and favorites. Some of this will trickle down to the State, County, and local elections too.

People unhappy with the status quo, no matter how perceived by them, can and do make a difference when the ballot is the weapon of choice. Looming in the background in this year's election, as with two and four years ago, is the ever constant threat of the new voting machines and electronic tomfoolery afoot to modify the actual vote.  Folks are concerned about how the processing of their vote is done, or if their vote is even counted or registered.  Especially,  if you are registered to vote as a Democrat, you may have some real concerns.  If you are a registered GOP voter, you should feel better about the security of your vote.

In Oxnard, the issues of overcrowding, lack of park space, and the overall unhappiness with how Oxnard has changed from a small farming community by the sea, to a bustling mini-metropolis, with all the frills and most of it's faults of big-city living weighs heavier and heavier in each election.  Certainly the changing face of Oxnard will come into play, but how much at the ballot?.  The "I got mine, now you go get yours!" mentality that seems to settle in with people who come to live here builds within those folks an false sense of security.  Take for example the families that moved into West Village.  They were thinking farm lands would surround them in lovely old Oxnard when they bought their homes in mid-1990's, only to find out the City Council had other plans.  Those plans were to cram hundreds of more homes into their little peaceful tract.  See how it works.

With the Sunday RED STAR (dah free press) coming out with its pronouncement that Oxnard would be better off retaining its current crew in City Council - how can many voters this week in absentee votes and next week at the polls even give thought to any challenger unless there is a general overall feeling that things could be better and won't be with the current crowd in office.  I am sure there is sadness in the camps of the challengers that the Star would nary endorse even one single individual, not currently on Council,  for their potential to be a good community leader.

Perhaps the Star's endorsement and the blind slated coverage of all incumbents, in addition to their nomenclature of "Council-member" on the ballot will work against them. With voters unhappy about the city hall and civic government, any endorsement by the Star or any other group rubber-stamping the status quo of the same-old-crowd, may just sway some people away from voting for the same crew to inhabit our people's hall of governance.

The endorsement column in the Star contained all the rhetoric and the trite and tried phrases that candidates use over and over again when touting themselves in speeches and in forums. The Star endorsement looked like a no-brainer on the part of the learned and august body of media-mind-molders who run the Star. It was easy for them to write, just copy and paste their endorsement copy  from the campaign brochures provided by the incumbents, tell their readers to agree with what they say about reality in Oxnard, and tell the lemmings to run their paws over the same names on the ballot.

The Star runs a little box of reader comments at the bottom of their online articles. This forum is one where many people get to say what they want, mostly contrary to the coverage of news within the Star. It is good that these comments are allowed, but sometimes the editorial board cleans out the comments and if anyone wants theirs for the electronic archives, they have to re-post them. Some computers are banned from leaving messages on the Star comment section. It has to do with your IP address they can block all your messages. How do I know, it happens to the Ox-Jo - all Ox-Jo postings are blocked. Another road-block to truth...
"if you want to keep on getting what you're getting, keep on doing what you're doing."

Of course the Star is going to favor the incumbents because the incumbents have never met a developer they didn't like. The Star is the only game in town and more development means more subscribers.

Just read some of those comments as posted at the bottom of the Star's endorsement of the incumbents. You will see dissention, but will you read enough of it to make a difference on Tuesday, November 7th - at the Polls?

By Bill Winter
Candidate for Oxnard City Council

  Regarding the Oxnard Journal's 2004 coverage of La Colonia Car Wash -




Vote Francisco Romero for Oxnard City Council!
Vote Jose G. Moreno for Oxnard Elementary School Board!
All Power To The People!

Bill Winter 

1) What is the most significant issue facing your city - what should be done about it? 
The most significant issue is over-crowding.  Past city councils have given us our current situation and the solutions grow fewer by continuing to vote the incumbents into office.  As a councilmember I would be a "No" vote on most new development unless the community approved it.  I would work with schools to ensure we handle the overcrowding within the districts that serve Oxnard.   I will study infrastructure meaning streets, water, police and fire resources, before I vote to approve any development.  Overcrowding affects our quality of life and I want to put the brakes on limitless building out of Oxnard.

 2) What qualifies you to serve as mayor or on the city council - what differentiates you from other candidates?

 I’ve served the citizens on Oxnard’s Inter-Neighborhood Council Forum (INCF) as Chair from 2004-2006 and as past chairman of the historic (downtown) Wilson Neighborhood Council for five years.  I’m editor for an online newspaper (cyber-journal)  The Oxnard Journal has been covering news,  city hall events, and the political scene since 1996.  I have been told by city officials and citizens alike that I have a heart for Oxnard and know the city well.  My personal involvement in Oxnard, it’s affairs, and it’s political scene qualifies me for a position on the City Council.  

 3) What is your stance on liquefied natural gas and BHP Billiton’s proposed Cabrillo Port project, which would install a large floating LNG terminal off the coast of Oxnard ?

BHP Billiton’s proposal for off-shore LNG transference is by far the most dangerous of several proposals.  If any proposal is to be  approved, the NorthernStar Energy model is the better choice.  Their model cools the LNG via air conduction thereby needing no ignition points for warming the LNG.  The Oxnard City Council has already made a stand against LNG off the coast of Oxnard and Malibu.  This issue will be decided by federal and state authorities, but I will stand with the Oxnard City Council in their decision to defer the LNG terminal to some other location other than here. 





.                                                   HOW THE "BOTA„ LOOKS
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Independent vote tally and leads as provided to the Ox Jo. . . . .

  7 th

















              Holden - Molina  Sumpter  /  /  Herrera -  Maulhardt  - Winter -   Romero   - Petris.        

FOR MAYOR (2 Yrs)   --- -----       FOR CITY COUNCIL  (4 Yrs) 

Red  indicates - INCUMBENT
Blue / Bold - reps leading Challenger
Green and Black  - in the Race to Win ! !

send in your vote - use subject line
__________________e - here__________________
add text to msg. for commentary

How the Election Swings ........Oxnard, Calif. ....... 18 October.

In the Mayor's race, it seems like more of the same.  Mayor Tom Holden speaks comfortably and  extemporaneously about his accomplishments.  Molina runs down the list of large amounts of money the City has spend questionably.  And Bob Sumpter pushes his message of making Oxnard a better place, no matter what the cost.

In vote count, Molina's challenge to the current office-holder certainly is a factor Holden has to consider as he campaigns.  Former Oxnard Mayor Manuel Lopez always spoke his personal wisdom to any who asked about his challengers. 

Lopez said, "No matter who they are, or what they appear to be, I always take every challenger seriously and never discount a one"


1996 Municipal Election

              VOTE FOR 2                    
     COMPLETE PRECINCTS:         76/  76    
     INCOMPLETE PRECINCTS:        0         
JOHN C ZARAGOZA.............14,818  26.9%   
BEDFORD PINKARD.............13,481  24.4%   
ANDRES "ANDY" HERRERA.......13,127  23.8%   
ROY W LOCKWOOD...............8,716  15.8%   
EMMETT WHATLEY...............4,846   8.8% 


Councilman Herrera learned that lesson too in 1996, when he lost re-election by a mere 354 votes.  Maulhardt and Herrera both take their votes seriously and know where their base is.

Interestingly enough, in the Council race, Enrique Petris is gaining some ground.  His walk-a-thon campaign of going out and meeting people has generated some solid and faithful support. Romero leads with signs and name recognition from any other challenger.  Romero got his signs up early and often and his initial blitz of Red, White, and Black signs made a strong impact and create an interest in the election.  Maulhardt has said publicly that he was considering not running again, but felt it better to stay onboard the Council due to his collective knowledge of the City.  Winter was not considering a run in 2006 until a prominent former Planning Commissioner asked him to put his name in two days before the filing period closed.

Winter got on the ballot.   By far, of the challengers, Winter has more experience dealing with the City and how it works.  He has been active in local affairs since 1992.

Forums this year have been fewer than in previous years.  Missing are the "La Colonia" forum,
the E.O. Green Forum, the AME Forum, the Televised League of Women Voters tape recorded and replayed on (Jones/Adelphia/Time Warner) cable.  Since many venues this year are missing, the status quo likes this just fine.

So far the major issues coming up at the Forums are:


• The Sports Park at Oxnard Blvd / Gonzo Road
• The City Budget and How Money is Spent
• College Park and Big League Dreams
• Housing Development - and Quality of Life
• Traffic and Transportation
• Blight and neglected areas
• Ormond Beach
• Big League Dreams
• High-rise Apartment Buildings
• Police - Response Time - ¿ Police Commission ?
• Gang Injunction
• Santa Clara River & the Flood Plain
• City Image
• Parking
• Lowe's @ Gonzo & Ox Blvd.
• Curb Cuts
• Brown Act - Perceptions & Perceived Violations
• The Downtown theatre
• The public golf course at River Ridge
• The direction of re-development


People want to know and forums do bring out an interesting variety of folks.

The Forums.....
October 19th - Rio del Norte School - SouthBank Neighborhood Council
October 25    Sea Air - Boys & Girls Club - 5th Street
October 26    Oxnard Shores - end of 5th Street

Problems solved by current City Council:
  • Gangs and violence
• Adding 80-plus Police Officers to Department
• Brought Fry's into Oxnard

Problems created by current City Council:
• Overcrowding
• Too many new houses
• Traffic - Grid lock
• School overcrowding
• Questionable debt allocations (BLD & Golf Course)

   The Big Issues Facing Oxnard  
by Bill Winter

Every two years we get the same message. People want change - they need new blood, new leadership, and every electoral year many voters go to the polls and pull, push, or pencil in the same slate of incumbents.

This year seems different.

For one, the Iraq war has soured many supporters of the status quo and stay-the-course crowd.
Those who maintain blind obedience to the incumbents by re-electing the same crowd for as many times as they can run are legion. This makes it hard, not impossible, for challengers to the status quo to make an impact and even an honored seat on the dais.  I am not a supporter of term limits except that it provides for an automatic recharge by mandating candidates hold the office for a certain period of time

This year, there is a real, perceived, and tangible desire afloat amongst the voters on a Federal, State, and by mere trickle down, Municipal level. This is the golden moment for any challengers to be on the ballot.

Oxnard has its season of change ahead, should the voters choose to do so. The FAPAC (Fil-Am Political Action Committee has chosen to support the usual list of suspects by not endorsing any challenger. They may be feeling safe in not rocking the vote. Many people feel supporting the current seated electorate a safe bet. It is imperative for challengers to find issues that either embarrass the current city government or expose something unruly or unethical which was committed on the public record or within some secret meeting no one can attend.

The last non-incumbent to run for Council, achieving a seat and now proudly serving Oxnard is Tim Flynn, son of popular County Supervisor John Flynn. Flynn ran on a platform of "raising the bar" and making Oxnard a better place to live. I happen to agree with Flynn. We can always do better and sometimes, it takes someone with enthusiasm and ability to be newly placed on the Council to bring new ideas, new perspective, and most important, "the vote" on the Council that represents what the citizens want.

Oxnard currently has seated a Council with collective on-the-job experience measured to be upwards of 42 years inclusively. However, the issues will again be before the voters and the future Council will need to address everything earlier Councils were inattentive to.

College Park: The current Council wants to allow Big League Dreams, a commercial, an alcohol licensed, and a city subsidized project that will become the major attraction and land use obligation of the College Park. The City sanctioned a public commission made up of 30-plus citizens in 2000. They completed their work in a comprehensive study and review in 2002. Shortly thereafter, the City Council, ignoring the recommendations of the citizen advisory committee, contacted and contracted with Big League Dreams to put a commercial venture in the park instead of what the citizens wanted. This issue is still unresolved. New representation is needed to ensure Oxnard gets the park the committee and citizens agreed upon.

For 15 years, a vacant parcel of land at the corner of Oxnard Blvd. and Gonzales Road has been zoned as a Sports Park, dating back to Mike Pliski's desire for a baseball park to be located on this land. In the ensuing years, no change in the zoning was asked for and to this day, this land is still called and zoned as a sports park.

Residents who moved into the northeast Oxnard communities such as West Village and East Village were promised, as part of their home-buying experience, that a sports park was soon to be a reality on the land in question. The City Council, in blatant disregard to the wishes of the community, never made any effort to buy the property to give the community their sports park during 15 years of sky-rocketing real estate; the price of land has gone up, so far up that purchasing the land now, according to some on the Council would be cost prohibitive. Imagine spending city money for such a project of little value as a park when there are shopping centers, ball parks, and high rise apartments to build. This issue is still unresolved, and to date, the newest developer to show interest in the land has backed out of the project.

The other issues face the 2007-2008 Council. Curb cuts, which many residents are seeking to use, are being sought by residents to have access to their private property for parking and storage of their vehicles. Over-crowding is and will hamper our residents, in housing, parking, traffic and schools. Until the Council gets a handle on slowing development and taking a serious look at our streets and how to better control our traffic, we are doomed to more of the same. Oxnard city employee Jason Samonte,  is leading the city in many new and innovative approaches to tackling the traffic issues we face. He brings with him valuable experience from working in Los Angeles, where traffic is a way of life and his lessons learned there are benefiting our city.

Development will always be an issue as will be re-development and the management of currently blighted properties. I support the HERO and revitalization efforts of the city. What I would like to see is Oxnard getting a handle on how it wants the city to look in a hundred years and plan accordingly with a general overall design in mind. In the past, the Council has taken any offer and has not had a general design, look, or feel for new building in the city, ergo, we have a mish-mush of various and differing styles that would annoy any art-minded architect.

Schools and youth are top concerns as our local schools are over-crowded and under funded.
Oxnard is slowly leading in the “No Child Left Behind Act” yet we still need to focus on improvement no later than 2014 when the federal government will take over under-rated schools. Oxnard's biggest issue is the bi-lingual and multi-cultural nature of our student enrollment. Progress is being made in improving scores in math and English. More needs to be done and the Council can be proactive in working side-by-side with the school districts to achieve improvement.

Oxnard also needs to focus on programs and activities for our young people.
Re-opening the downtown Boys and Girls Club should have been the priority of the B&G Club management, not the unseating former El Rio School District Trustees.  Life is crazy at the polls and the people speak there.  Should there be a hue and cry for change across the board good.  By mere trickle-down of this effect, inevitably, municipal elections will see the same stroke.

The future of Oxnard can be as bright or blighted as you --  the voter wants.

Vote for the same and get more of the same. Vote for something new and see what happens.

Bill Winter
Editor of the Oxnard Journal
Candidate for City Council 
 NEWS ITEMS of General interest     Election 2006 Coverage  ..........  Oxnard 2007 ........

    To Cut or Not To Cut . .
Curb Cuts Create Ire at Public Meetings

- editorial - short form -

Centex Withdraws its Application
to build on

The Top 10
Issues facing the
2007-2008 City Council

  Oxnard City Council

Oxnard Mayor
Thomas Holden
Phillip Molina

Robert "Bob " Sumpter

Oxnard City Council
(2 seats open):

Bill Winter

Dean Maulhardt
Francisco Romero
Andres Herrera

Enrique Petris

     TEMPEST  WITH  A  TEA   POT      
It Seems to be that Who IS NOT on the Ballot
is Generating more interest than in Who IS on the Ballot.

The Political
andscape of Oxnard

Another Sweet Heart Deal?  
Dennis C. Ralph
---------------.......--- resident of Oxnard, Calif.



......SAVE COLLEGE PARK .........

NO on LNG -- NEWS 4 the

Updated - 31 Aug 06 -

      E-Mail the Oxnard
  Everything Oxnard -              ------- Hip and Happening is on
Oxnard File

Ox Jo                                                          

2004 ~ 2000

----- Original Message -----
To: Oxnard Journal
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 8:00 AM
Lydia Kaplan's Comments to Oxnard City Council - Tuesday - October 17th * 1
Interesting events have taken place the past few weeks.  Cancellation of last week’s council meeting just a few weeks before an election when there are many important items to discuss.  Not televising the INCF forum when citizens should have access to it.  It needs to be televised!

[ Editor's Note }  - the City Website link for the October 4th INCF Candidate's Forum, broadcast on the City Watch TV and resaved to streaming video for the web, was not activated until October 10th.] 
Mr. Herrera telling Phil Molina, Mayoral candidate, and myself that a survey was taken about Big League Dreams and a majority of people were for it.  When  Phil Molina asked him to share the information, Mr. Herrera got huffy and said he may have misspoken and it was a petition of 1900 people in favor, and when asked if they all lived in Oxnard, he got angry.  Phil Molina said people have a right to know and asked for the release of the petition and Mr. Herrera told him to ask for it at the next council meeting and he might consider releasing it.  Is that how it’s supposed to work?  I don’t think so.  Therefore, I’m officially asking for the release of the petition.
Mr. Sumpter, at the ministerial forum, publicly stated that he speaks with the mayor every day.  If it’s to keep him informed as a candidate, then why isn’t Phil Molina included?  Is it more likely that it’s to feed Mr. Sumpter the misinformation that he’s been repeating about Phil Molina?
Mr. Maulhardt said to me, Phil Molina, and another person that the property on Oxnard and Gonzales where Centex wants to build more houses is owned by the Hartman family trust and they are relatives of his.  When asked to recuse himself from the vote, he said that they were distant relatives.  Well, when the Maulhardt family trust, which I believe Councilman Maulhardt is part of sold their property to the John Laing company,
I’d like to know if Mr. Maulhardt recused himself from the discussion and/or the vote.  
Two weeks ago, the mayor called Luciano Ortiz a low person.  Why would anyone call Mr. Ortiz, a wonderful husband, father, teacher, educated, involved and concerned citizen of Oxnard a low person?  I’ve known Luciano Ortiz and his wonderful family for over three years and he is a man with a great deal of integrity who gives many hours of his time to make this city a better place.  I have two Latino grandsons whom I adore and I was personally offended as was Luciano, by that comment.
The incumbents have sat on council for many years and we’ve seen where their interests lie and what they’ve done.  We have overcrowded schools, too many developers running the city, too many houses approved without the accompanying infrastructure, millions of dollars wasted that should be used for parks, road repairs, and quality of life.  We need change and we need it now.  It’s time to stop the adversarial relationship and start cooperation between the council and citizens to work together for the quality of life that we all deserve and for that, we need a mayor who’ll listen to citizens and stand for open government and that’s why I’m voting for Phil Molina as mayor.  He WILL bring quality of life to Oxnard.

* 1 This comment was requested by the Ox Jo for re-print, with permission of the author.

As the Oxnard Journal serves as a Forum also ......
.........................................the following is submitted:

Bill, I sent this to Mr. Sumpter and thought you could publish this on your Oxnard Journal.
Thanks, Phil
Mr. Bob Sumpter, Candidate for Mayor
I was not able to attend the City Council meeting last night, but I saw your comments on the public access channel. I am concerned that you don't know the facts, don't know the truth, and perhaps don't care to find out the truth. But I do hope you mean well and that you and your wife are just being used. So here are the facts.
You said we can "google Phillip Molina" and find information about him on the web. Be that as it may, you should attempt to read the material that came directly from the Federal District Courts and Federal Courts of Appeal before you make your comments (see attached). And, no, I do not have a "spokesperson" for my campaign, except for me.
I was fired for telling the accurate honest truth to the press about the golf course enterprise financial condition. The City Manager testified under oath that he fired me for telling the public the truth. He also testified that he wanted me to tell stories about how the City wanted the public to believe that selling methane gas would make up the losses at the golf course. An expert witness testified that as a CPA and a member of the prestigious American Institute of Certified Public Accountants I was prohibited from telling the public a "story" that never had any basis in economic reality.

But the City also brought forward Oxnard City employees who told stories (pre-text) that were found by the unanimous jury and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to be false and pre-textual (see attached a copy of that Appeals decision). Some of the City's witnesses included Bruce D. who alleged that he received 500 complaints in less than 2 years against me, but though Bruce was Oxnard's Human Resources expert he never documented any of the complaints. Bruce also alleged that among the 500 were 50 complaints against me from certain Oxnard employees in the City Manager's office he received before I even started working for the City. Matt Winegar, another City employee, alleged he had a written report from me in his desk showing that I had committed illegal acts, but when my attorneys ordered him to bring those documents to court the City's attorney stated "Mr. Winegar misspoke. There is no evidence of any wrong doing by Mr. Molina." Also Curtis Canon, a City employee, alleged he had a written spreadsheet written by me showing I had committed a felony, but though he claimed he had such a report at the beginning of his testimony when ordered to bring that report to Court, he suddenly said, "I destroyed that report yesterday."
Do you, like the jury, begin to see a pattern on the part of Oxnard's witnesses?
Now concerning the "$6,631,520" that by which I increased the Oxnard City's general funds. This figure was audited by the nationally know accounting firm of KPMG, Peat Marwick LLP, and the accounting firm of Diehl Evans and Company, LLP. Both of them found that what I did was not only good accounting but very good for the City of Oxnard and allowed the City to save money on the debt instruments that the City sold to buy the Fire Department's ladder truck, and budgeted for improvements to city parks. The alternative to my accounting changes was to leave the City with over $8,000,000 in losses and an insufficient amount of cash in reserves to cover that loss. The Mayor probably didn't tell you this fact. But, if you will identify a place, time and name witnesses I will attend and show you this City's two audits that show the losses and the results of my  accounting changes.
To be specific and if you won't read the five page report the Court of Appeals decision stated:
* "The district court erred in concluding that Molina's speech was not constitutionally protected."
* "The statements [Molina made] addressed 'matters of public concern' and were thus entitled to 'special protection'".
* "we cannot agree that the government's interest in 'promoting the efficiency of the public services' outweighs Molina's free expression interests."
* "City manager Sotelo's subjective beliefs alone are not enough to provide disruption."
* "the real reasons for his termination, including comments by Sotelo and council member Holden that Molina should keep quiet, that 'none of what Molina said was what the councilmember wanted to hear', and that powerful people were going 'after him with big guns' for the views he had expressed."
* "If defendants terminated Molina in 'reckless or callous indifference' to his constitutional rights, Molina may recover punitive damages."
In conclusion the 9th Circuit Court ruled twice in my favor and against the City of Oxnard. The Federal District Court Jury ruled unanimously against the City of Oxnard. Twice now the District Court has most recently ruled against the City of Oxnard in my case.
My case has always been a First Amendment Rights case. My right to freedom of speech was violated, my civil rights were violated. "Freedom is not given it must be fought for." Among the freedoms that statement refers is the 10 Amendments to the US Constitution. The First Amendment is the freedom of speech.
Phillip S. Molina
Candidate for Mayor of Oxnard




Dear Friends: 

Found below is an unsolicited email from Mickie Luna, the Chief Accounts Payable Staff for the city of Hollister, and a former colleague of Phil Molina’s.  They worked together from November, 1992 to November, 1997, when Phil left to come to Oxnard.  The Star refused to print it, even though she had all her identifying information on the letter.  Let’s let her words speak for themselves.

“Dear Phil and Linda:

I only wish I lived in Oxnard right now to campaign and vote for Phil!

I want everyone in this email listing to know that I am a friend and former co-worker of Phil when he was Finance Director for the City of Hollister.

Phil is one of the MOST HONEST person that I had ever met.  He was the trooper that put the City in the black and kept it there.  Our department won several awards during his tenure as Finance Director.  He was very knowledgeable about the city finances and was committed to the citizens of this city always keeping them informed on the finances, never hiding any information from anyone, in fact he was credited for reviewing and searching for tax dollars that no one ever had heard of, but leave that up to Phil, he found those dollars and put them to work for our city.

Phil and Linda attended community events, always giving to the underrepresented, especially Latino students who needed that scholarship to go on to college.  Phil was always encouraging young people to look toward a better future by his participation as a mentor and career booster for the Annual Latino Student Leadership Conference.  Some of those students today are professionals and will remember that it took a strong leader like Phil to encourage them to reach their goals.

As I look forward to my retirement within the next 6 months, I will always look back and know that within those 30 years of my committed work for the City, I had the honor of meeting and working for an individual like Phil Molina who never wavered, remained focus and always told the truth.

My best wishes to you Phil, I will be watching out for you on November 7th, because Oxnard will never be the same with you as a committed Mayor for the people and only the people.

Adelante Phil! ----  Mickie Luna

I was reading your website and it is very intone with what is going on in Oxnard. I am very impressed. I had heard a rumor about the Hueneme and Mugu bases closing, being sold, leasing their land, etc.  not sure if any of this is true but thought you may have heard something similar or can point me in the right direction for some answers.


R E P L Y ......

Both bases are remaining intact - they survived the BRAC hearings of 2005 and no other Base Re-Alignment Committee hearings are scheduled.
There is always progressive talk about use of the air strip at Mugu for a commercial airport - but nothing is in the plans yet so the bases will remain military reservations.
Thank you for your kind words about the Oxnard Journal - all readers are welcome to send stories too, if  you like to write.
Bill Winter

Your Voice:

I am a long time Wilson Neighborhood resident. I am opposed to any more stop signs on F Street. This is the second meeting in a row where some resident suggested this. There are already enough stop signs on this street.

James Reach

From the Wilson Neighborhood meeting - October 9th 2006 - Oxnard Library

 Item # 5.      Old St. Johns Hospital site.  (now being referred to as Sycamore Village)
We were pleased that David Park from GTS Investments gave us another update on the abandoned hospital site that has been an eyesore for about 14 years.  As of a week ago, a landscaping firm was hired to clean up the weeds, fence, etc. on the property.   While the project is being built there will be a rendering of what the facade will look like in front of the building.

Purportedly the developer is no longer the Otero Brothers though he will have to be bought out when the 3 banks can get together and agree. This will have to be either November 21st or December 21st depending on various circumstances. 
[*Editors Note: - Sacramento has to approve on or before the 21st of either month] which is our tax allocation of 23 million dollars from the State of California (Sacramento). Lauterbach architects plans will still be used to complete the project.  GTS Investments got involved in 2004 and waited to see the Otero Brothers perform. GTS is a well capitalized entity with a $153 million portfolio.  The bond application will hopefully be put through as quickly as possible.  Reissuing the permits is a big issue facing the group.  The problems, as explained by  Mr. Park explained:
a.      Sinking holding costs of  $30,000-$80,000 a month while waiting for the project to be approved.
b.     Establishing limited partnership for the project.
c.     Making sure that Oxnard residents have first choice to live there.  i.e. residents of Oxnard 55+
d.     How can we get extended families NOT to live there.
Barker Management will manage the project.  They are very established in affordable housing. 
The City has demanded that 50% completion of the main site be done before the issuance of permits for the remaining construction of the condos and houses.  The price for an efficiency apartment will be $987, a one bedroom apt. will be $1083 and a two bedroom apartment will be $1290.  There will be no Section 8. (These prices are not locked in forever.)
If this starts on Nov. 21, 2006, it should be finished by January 2008 according to Mr. Park.
Just to reiterate:  We were pleased to have David here and appreciate his information.


Pope Benedict XVI has drawn up controversial plans to make it easier for Catholics to attend the Tridentine Mass, which is celebrated almost entirely in Latin.

The Mass was effectively banned in the 1960s after the Second Vatican Council decided that modern worshippers should attend a new Mass celebrated in the vernacular.

In most dioceses, the old Mass, which also contains Greek and Hebrew, can be celebrated only if parishioners are willing to go through a lengthy bureaucratic procedure which includes a petition to their bishop.

However, the Mass appeals to Benedict XVI's love of tradition, and he will soon use a papal edict to allow congregations to celebrate it unless their bishop publicly forbids it, which many would probably be loath to do.

"This will enlarge the possibilities of the Latin Mass, which would become something ordinary rather than extraordinary," said La Stampa, an Italian newspaper. Vatican experts said yesterday that the move may heal a rift with the ultra-conservative followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who broke with Rome in 1988. He was subsequently excommunicated for consecrating bishops without the Pope's approval.

The Pope's intent is to "help overcome the schism and help bring (the ultra-conservatives) back to the Church," said an official.

6:30pm meeting
Rusty's Pizza meeting room
606 N. Ventura Road, Oxnard
(corner of Ventura Rd. and Doris) 

Plans, speakers and details for this Sat., Oct. 14 "West Coast Day of Action Against LNG/Rally to Protect Our Coast"

11:00am to 1:00pm at Oxnard's Plaza Park, 5th and C Streets

Malibu residents will caravan to Oxnard to join in the community-wide rally.

More information call Maria (805) 485-8026

Bill (805) 488-0422 or Shirley (805) 488-1890  


                See Your Opportunity  @  RIVER PARK ....                   


Barrio Walk:
Northeast Neighborhoods
 - October 14-15, 2006 -

Please join us this weekend for community door to door leafleting campaign for the Campaign to Elect Francisco Romero for Oxnard City Council and Jose G. Moreno for Oxnard Elementary School Board.

The All Power to the People Campaign is a grassroots electoral campaign initiated as a process to educate, inform, and to develop political organization and participation within our communities.

Please join us on our weekend morning or afternoon outreach sessions in these next 3 weekends leading up to the November 7th Election.

Every Saturday and Sunday (Note: Sunday only has a morning session)

Meeting Point:
All Power to the People HQ
315 N. Bonita Ave
Oxnard, Ca 93030

Morning Session: (Saturday and Sunday)
9:00am-10:00am, Coffee, Bread, Registration
10:00am-Noon, Outreach Session

Noon-1:00pm, Volunteer Snacks, etc. back at Bonita Ave

Afternoon Session: (Saturday Only)
1:00pm-3:00pm, Outreach Session

All Power to the People Community Potluck - October 14, 2006

Staring at 6pm…

Moreno’s Family House
315 N. Bonita Avenue
Oxnard, Ca 93030

Free Event (Donations Welcome)

Join us and celebrate six weeks of the All Power to the People Campaign!

Come on over and bring your favorite dish or dessert! We will have Enchiladas! Chili Frijoles! Rice! Y Mucho Mas!

The All Power to the People Campaign is a grassroots electoral campaign initiated as a process to educate, inform, and to develop political organization and participation within our communities.

Vote Nov. 7, 2006! Francisco Romero for Oxnard City Council and Jose G. Moreno for Oxnard Elementary School Board.


***********************SAVE THE DATE**************************







       See the July 2006 Ox Jo         Aug 13th Issue    --  01Sept06   issue...                                                                                                     



      Read all the FLUFF & FOLD from the September 2006 Ox Jo         




Oxnard Mayor Holden with Bill Winter                                              Photo:  Franz Lopez



  Goog;e        DOGPILE      DrudgeReport      

More Praise Music   ---  Read the May Ox-Jo ----  E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............
Oxnard Police Department has new improved web site

View the June 12th Issue ( June 01 - 18  2006 )        Speed of Sound Vizzy Trip::::        Bush Dance Aerobix       Fly a Helo


  Readers have visited the Ox Jo

Craig's List //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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November Ox - Jo / / /

JUNE 2004 - OX JO

   JANUARY 2005
Ox Jo Issue          

Oxnard Maps by Dept.

 -S I L L Y - P U T T Y -
 -C A N D I D A T E S


     Read  Previously Published                       
           AVIE's PAGE ......Here


See the Mayo - 01 - 2oo6 issue

Read the April Ox Jo

MARCH 2006

Ox Jo

2004 ~ 2000

 Ox-Jo (Jan. 2006)
Read the 
Ox Jo




Count Down


Gang Signs - OSJ

13-Year-old's Cry

The 04-04-04 OxJo

Leo Medina

Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard



Injunction Junction


City Council
Planning Commission

The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.

Planning Commission
every other Thursday

ALL Meetings
start @ 1900  (7 p.m. )
ALL Meetings

are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17


Located in the Former
Marie Callendar's Restaurant on South Oxnard Blvd. & Statham  -

CITY BUFFET IS NOW OPEN and serving a tremendous selection of seafood, fried and a tasty Mongolian style plate that you pick your ingredients COME EXPERIENCE THE ALL YOU CAN EAT TREATS.

Take your family and guests -- there is plenty of room and plenty of good food................



Oxnard Downtown is ready  ====   discover it  . . .

Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.
John Adams (1735-1826)
-Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, 1765

Think on this..............


 The next time you start thinking that you are 
a BIG DEAL....

 Look at these pictures and put your life 

back into PERSPECTIVE. 

=======================   *  ====================== 

My Challenge to all Athiests
 As soon as any athiest can make another ANTARES
I will stop believing in God.

=======================   *  ======================

God Bless you and yours.
God Save America.
Reverend Bhagavan Friend


These little ditties - known as Oxnard DLS were written by Debbie Kilpatrick who enjoyed her stay in Oxnard until a Government promotion called her to the East Coast.....these pages still draw readers.......Five Editorials exist.
OXNARD'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS --- - # 1-=- - - # 2-=-- - # 3 -=-- - # 4-=- ..- - # 5-=-




..  -----    GO - Ji                      
Get Your Himalayan GOJI JUICE HERE __
                       Best Bottle Price: $
45.oo per.      -------------------                     
  Avoid the Wait for Go - Ji
. . . . . . .                                                                
              . . .                                    

Also consider supplimenting your Goji with                                      

Mangosteen Juice
 XANGO  /..................................



The Oxnard Journal can be contacted by Mail:

PO Box 1960
Port Hueneme, Calif. 93044

E-Mail the Oxnard Journal..............

- 3 0 -























whatever became of these sections...................................................................



All Candidates who need to register for the Ballot must do so on the last weeks of July.  Filing period will last until early August.  Who will run again and who will be the newbees.
     BE AWARE OF TICKETS.........      .
...where is it easy for me to get a




A monthly (or more frequently) column of local Oxnard observations - Stand-by