Every Day is New Years Day in Oxnard --- Psalm 112:1,3 - Praise the LORD! How blessed is the one who fears the LORD, Who greatly delights in His commandments. Wealth and riches are in his house, And his righteousness endures forever.

Happy New Year                                                                                      E-Mail the Ox Jo ________ . .

Welcome to the Oxnard Journal. . . . January 2007

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                                                                                                                            Happy New Year                        E-Mail the Ox Jo ________ . .
Predictions for 2007 . . . .
  In keeping with a long held tradition at the Ox Jo.
Every New Year's Day we come with predictions for the coming year and we review the past year's to see if they came true - or near true.

Here are the Predictions for Oxnard in 2007.

1. Approval for High Rise Apartment Towers at former Levitz Site - the City Council will approve even though no traffic study is conducted and Neighborhoods protest.

2. Sports Park - this issue will taunt the City Council as they want housing to go here and the citizens want a sports park - expect numerous hearings, lots of meetings, but no progress.

3. Old Saint John's Hospital - The first 2-by-4 will go up and the joists lifted at this project finally takes root to convert the shell of the former local hospital into a Senior living center.  The City Council has ordered that the condos and houses proposed for the other portions of the property cannot be started until the main unit is 50% complete.  This restriction will be tested late in 2007.

4. Lowe's - Progress will move ahead and proposals for modifying the intersection of Gonzales and Oxnard Blvd. will be submitted to handle the extra traffic at an already overloaded intersection.

5. Five Points - with Conroy's and the Thompson Lumber removed, this vacant lot will be pivotal in the City's plan to revamp and redesign this intersection. Ox Jo predicts no changes to this intersection this year.

6. Gang Injunction - several arrests for violating the new gang injuction will cause city officials to look at a City-Wide injunction, with Port Hueneme and Ventura possibly looking at injunctions for their cities based on the Oxnard Model.

7. Late October Rains - a torrent of rains will come in October and flooding along the Santa Clara river will create new concerns for the low lying River Park development along with the new housing created in the riverbanks in Fillmore.

8. BIG LEAGUE DREAMS - This proposal will meander its way into and out of City Hall with much debate still ahead - the city has spent millions already, and the fight looms over whether this commercial alcohol-vending venture will come to pass or just pass away.

9. RECALL - a petition will circulate for the recall of the entire City Council - based on the loan to the cinema, the Molina verdict and City's pay-off, and a surprise inspection by the Ventura County Grand Jury and District Attorney's Office.

10. Francisco Romero - will be offered a position on one of the Citizen Advisory Boards.  His decision will be news-worthy.  In the November 2006 issue of the Ox Jo, it was predicted that Francisco Romero will form a citizen action organization and achieve national attention.

11. Ormond Beach - a Federal proposal to make this beach a protected area and Park will cause the City to change plans on South Oxnard development.

12 Andres Herrera, in a move to distract attention from the Recall will propose adding two new seats to the Oxnard City Council, placing seven members on the current five member board.

13. Mayor Holden will host Governor Schwarzenegger on a surprise visit to Oxnard.

14. John Flynn will announce retirement - Tim Flynn will run for and win his Dad's seat on BOS.

15.  Public outcry for more park and open space will become more vocal and activist.

16. New TV series will be set in Oxnard with some locals hired on for walk-on parts.

17 Downtown cinema will seek another loan from the City.

18.  Developer brings proposal for new Convention Center which will rival the one in Long Beach - Oxnard allows the proposal to go through as it will bring positive attention to the City and much needed revenue.

19 Hot air balloon festival is proposed for late summer.

20.  A happy and prosperous new year is granted to all the Ox Jo readers.

-2006 Predictions for Oxnard -
Dean Maulhardt will be offered a Special Appointment by Governor Schwarzenegger.
Didn't Happen - but there is still 2007
Mayor Tom Holden will be tapped to run for Congress.
Perhaps challengers Molina and Sumpter wished for this - But Dr. Tom Holden is still Mayor of Oxnard.
Andres Herrera wants to run for Mayor, but another higher office opening is more tempting.
In some ways true because he opted to serve Oxnard again for another term as Councilmember.
John Zaragoza wins the Lottery and starts a scholarship fund for Oxnard's disadvantaged kids.
Perhaps John will buy another ticket make this prediction come true.
Former Mayor Lopez announces his bid Harbor Commissioner.
Didn't happen - as the former Mayor enjoys private life.
John Flynn receives top national Democratic recognition.
Tim Flynn proposes sweeping proposal to put a moratorium on building and development in Oxnard.
Silent on this issue - Flynn still takes critical looks at all housing and development projects that come to him on the Council.
City Council proposes citizen advisory board on development and residents protest due to fact the Council appoints the members to this group.
 TRUE - Oxnard City Council did propose an advisory board to review the direction of development in the city.
Six Chinese Helicopters land at Oxnard Airport, creating a national incident.
Labor dispute interrupts Oxnard Pipeline Trunk project on Ventura Road.
Thank goodness this never came true.
Downtown movie theatre announces mostly Spanish Film Repertoire for plaza movie house.
Perhaps the Downtown Theatre could have taken a hint from this posting and adding Spanish movies would boost income - thereby preventing the private ownership of the movie house from asking for hand-outs from the City Council and our tax dollars.
John McCain arrives in Oxnard via Amtrak.
There are still taxis waiting to pick him up....
College Park debate goes south when Field of Screams takes additional money from the City and cuts and runs - no error.
The Jury is Still Out on this One.
Centex Homes project at Ventura and Vineyard sold to strip mall developer so he can put in a nail salon, fast sandwich shop and a loan company.
Nothing certain yet with this property as more debate is yet to fly
Sports Park debate over land at Gonzales and Oxnard Blvd. heats up - citizens fill City Hall until they get answers.
TRUE - so much so that the 2006 City Council tabled the proposal - sent it back to the Planning Commission so they could wash their hands of the issue until after election - it will be interesting to see what 2007 brings.
757 Jet makes safely executed emergency landing at Oxnard Airport.
Not yet ! ! ! !
Major Christian Broadcasting Company makes bid to build studio in Oxnard Industrial Park.
No such proposals, but it looks like Santa Paula may get the movie business we deserve.
Extraordinary cool ocean breezes make Oxnard the envy during a very warm summer.
All the time - What kind of Prediction is this ???
Oxnard Fire Department miraculously receives special gift of over 5 million dollars.  Department plans upgrade and new station.
OXFD is still waiting for this - let's see what 2007 brings.
Oxnard PD is featured on special Crime TV show.
Nothing on this one...
Shaq is rumored to come back to Oxnard PD.
There is still an opening for him here
Dallas Cowboys announce move to UCSB Campus, City Counter offers with land deal that is sweeter than the strawberries.
TRUE - The Cowboys made this their last year to train in Oxnard, but they opted to remain in Texas next year, but rumors are that they may consider training in California and the UCSB site is tops on their list.
Truckers block 101 Freeway on the Santa Clara River Bridge - traffic tie-up lasts 8 hours.
With the new Bridge set to open fully this April - there may no fulfillment of this prediction
 First US Amnesty Program Office opens in Oxnard on a trial basis - second slated for Santa Ana.
With a new Congress, we may see this happen in 2007

El Rio seeks to incorporate into its own city.
If the school board had anything to do with this....we would see a Recall on a Local Council

Major stunning new project is proposed for the old Oxnard High School.
There is still talk in City Hall about plans for the site, nothing revealed in 2006.

Billion-Dollar Spanish multi-media corporation attempts to buy Oxnard Plaza Cinema in order to run all Spanish language movies - City Council blocks proposal - "Imagine the mayhem and outcry from locals....."
Oh, we could only hope . . .

Mugu Rock appears on a US Postage Stamp.
Not fulfilled in 2006

City Council proposes sweeping new occupancy and parking regulations creating ire among homeowners who rent rooms to multiple families in order to survive in difficult housing market.  Proposals are challenged in Court.
Semi-TRUE - the Council looked at expanding the parking permit areas and talk has taken place about occupancy and the law

Unknown benefactor donates millions to preserve Ormond Beach.
It's never too late for this one.

Strange sea creature washes ashore at Hollywood-by-the-Sea and creates national attention.
Wow - we did have some odd happenings at the beach this year, but no sea creatures.

Phil Molina wins large settlement in case against the City.
TRUE - this one came thru in December 2006. Right under the wire

INCF faces additional challenge when Council again tries to monkey with Neighborhood Council Program.
Council kept their mitts off the Neighborhood Council Program this year.

Strawberry Festival organizers and City Clash over secondary re-location proposal in light of threat of losing College Park due to Big League Dreams.
Strawberry Festival still intact, at least for this year.

Washington, D.C. based law firm takes active interest in Oxnard's past Brown-Act citations by County Grand Jury.
This may come true in 2007.

 Fed-Ex and Navy agree on joint-use of Point Mugu for major air hub for Freight distribution on the West Coast.
Nice Idea - nothing to report on this item.

State of California looks at proposing State Prison camp on one of the Channel Islands.
Still think this is a cool idea....

Committee of well-meaning, but mis-guided citizens form to re-name Oxnard.
Not yet !

Chumash historical site is unearthed at new development site halting construction.
Interesting prediction - but not yet.

Casino proposal re-appears - seeking different results from new City Council.
Could happen.

Exotic animal zoo is proposed and is nixed by residents who see design as not favoring animal's freedom.

 - E-mail your Prediction for 2007 -



December 2006 Issue of the OX JO

November 22, 2006 ISSUE OF THE OX JO


  Louise Gaylord  - Book Review  
Real Estate in Oxnard -¿ is it sagging, lagging, bagging, or all of the above ? - former Home of our Beloved Roy Lockwood located at 327 South C Street in the Downtown area was sold by Roy's sister for $350,000.oo to a Real Estate agent who immediately resold it to bidder with Cash Only - Bidder, bot, turned, and tried to sell the house...for imaginably much more than $350K.  No buyers - why - no parking for cars - small lot - & - apparent high resale price.   
The same can be said for buyers of newly offered properties such as the newly assembled pressboard houses at the corner of Oxnard Blvd, Robert  and A Streets. - Already homes have turned over in less than a year of occupancy.  
More twisting and turning - former home of Steve Buratti on F Street was bot for market price, but renovation virtually destroyed the craftsman style architecture and a higher price has kept this lot vacant for months.  Perhaps showing this home during flight path pattern times is a bad idea as the approach path for Oxnard Airport is DIRECTLY OVER THIS PROPERTY....happy home buying.  
  The Old Saint John's Hospital property should soon become a Senior Housing and multiplex facility starting in 2007 with occupancy beginning in mid-2008.

POSTER's Donut shop Crew on Oxnard Blvd. was busy and working Christmas Morning in Oxnard . . . . as can be seen by happy donut customer and crowd that comes in just for coffee.  
  Oxnard Boulevard as seen from Doris Street looking North
Christmas morning - December 25, 2006 -
Ox Blvd - Southbound - 12-25 - 0700 - Note: old Colonial House Chimney on Right,  to date remains a  Vacant Historical Lot along Oxnard Boulevard.
Would it not be grand if our daily morning Oxnard commute could have roads like this.  
Approaching Intersection of Gonzales & Oxnard Blvd. ... and then waiting for the light to change ³²±°¯®­¬²³´µ


  Goog;e        DOGPILE      DrudgeReport      

Craig's List /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////  LA   //  SB  //////////
 Now Ventura County/////////

Oxnard Maps by Dept.

 -S I L L Y - P U T T Y -
 -C A N D I D A T E S



Ox Jo

2004 ~ 2000

 Ox-Jo (Jan. 2006)
Read the 
Ox Jo




Count Down


Gang Signs - OSJ

13-Year-old's Cry

The 04-04-04 OxJo

Leo Medina

Javier Ambriz, 23 years, of Oxnard



Injunction Junction


City Council
Planning Commission

The Oxnard City Council meets
this Tuesday.

Planning Commission
every other Thursday

ALL Meetings
start @ 1900  (7 p.m. )
ALL Meetings

are televised
CABLE Channel 10 or 17




These little ditties - known as Oxnard DLS were written by Debbie Kilpatrick who enjoyed her stay in Oxnard until a Government promotion called her to the East Coast.....these pages still draw readers.......Five Editorials exist.
OXNARD'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS --- - # 1-=- - - # 2-=-- - # 3 -=-- - # 4-=- ..- - # 5-=-




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  Oxnard Journal
PO BOX 1960

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