VIEW OF THE FEW ...... Few Citizens that is, who took the plunge into the mysterious and "Chinatown-esque" world
of Oxnard Politics ........ see the Candidates for the Oxnard Municipal Offices of Mayor and City Council as they appeared at the August 25th 2004 - Bartolo Square North Neighborhood Council Candidates Forum.

Enjoy the views = each pix is on/@ 4.oo upload may be slow.

John C. Zaragoza makes a point while Mayoral Candidate Bob Sumpter takes notes and Tom Holden
looks approvingly of JCZ's message.

Mayoral Candidate Bill Winter takes notes during debate.

Saul Medina (out-of-frame) speaks while Duff - Flynn - Pinkard -y- Zaragoza interpret.

Duff does answers whilst Flynn un-zips his water jug.

Candidate Flynn gives a strong response.

Mayoral candidate Winter answers question from the audience.  Challenger Sumpter is shuffling his notes.

Can You Feel It - In the Pink Zone !

JCZ in the Hot Zone - handling it well.

Flynn openly challengers Every Voter in Oxnard - to "Raise The Bar for Oxnard" ......


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