Wilson Neighborhood Clean~up --- June 07 - 2003

Harriet Feather (right) served as a Wilson Neighborhood Dumpster Monitor

Betty Payne - Primary Monitor said, "This dog is not going in that dumpster!"

Young Lad helps in the Clean-up

. . . and then there's always MORE ! ! !

Charlie Stoffer (right) the Monitor for Third and F Street is proud of his work.

Trust us - those speakers don't work

And I thought Saturdays were supposed to be relaxing . . .

...and even more fun for a Saturday ----

Oxnard's Refuse Department in Action --- Big Tonka Toy !!!!!

The Baby Grew Up Fast - - - - -

Heave Ho - - -

Still Not Finished .....

Sac Quintana - our Oxnard Refuse Dept. employee who hooked us up by checking on the dumpsters hourly.

Man and Machine.

And another Day of Cleanliness in Oxnard - Deodar Street (looking east)


Note of Aberation::::: Not Pictured were Jane and Steve Buratti who monitored
the Green-Waste Container on F Street~~ there's not much action to tree branches
--therefore no pix of the GreenWaste --- yet Jane and Steve kept the show rolling.

As part of the InterNeighborhood Council Program

The City of Oxnard allows each Neighborhood ONE CLEAN-UP per Year

based on the Neighborhood Council's Activity and if they have regular meetings and elections.

Wilson Neighborhood is doing well and the City provides this clean-up service as part of it's

Neighborhood Services Program

To be more involved in Wilson or in your own Oxnard Neighborhood

Call Donna Helms @ 385-7433







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