Medina under Fire:
Front runner Medina takes Partisan Hit.......

Democratic Fury at Medina Back Fires on Party


Read the e-mail that fanned the flames                                      


Dateline - 10/06 - Oxnard, Calif. ..... Besieged Oxnard City Council candidate Saul Medina comes out of the fire unscathed and emerging as a New Kind of Democrat.    ---  Democratic Party backlash props up Saul as a Progressive to Party Faithful.    Saul Medina stood up for what he believes, No Matter What the Cost - said one Oxnard Democrat.

Democratic Citizens Rally to Medina.  Saul earned more respect and votes by his bold move to endorse a Republican instead of Democratic Assembly candidate based prominently on the qualifications of GOP candidate Bob Pohl  versus his Democratic challenger Pedro Nava for the 35th Assembly District. 


From the desk of Bob Pohl,
35th Assembly candidate

I want to bring your attention to a troubling matter that I think represents the clear choice between me and Pedro Nava.

As reported in last week's Ventura County Star, Saul Medina, a fine up and coming leader in Oxnard running for the City Council, has been maligned by his party "loyalists" for stating his support for me, the Republican candidate for Assembly. I am honored and humbled by his support and his belief that I am the best one for the job.

In fact, in addition to Mr. Medina, I have received the endorsement of many other Democrats in local government and active in the community. Former County Supervisor Tom Rogers, Former Coastal Commissioner Gregg Hart, Santa Barbara fire captain Pat McElroy, former Democratic Central Committee Member Phil Wyatt, School Trustees Fred Rifkin and Claire Van Blaricum, the former Principal of Oxnard High School, Daisy Tatum are only a few of the so many Democrats who have "crossed party lines" to stand behind me.

In the Star article, Pedro Nava's spokesperson refers to these endorsements as "defections," "aberrations" and "revengeful." Saul's endorsement of me has led the Democratic Central Committee to pull their Medina endorsement, cancel his phone banking and precinct walking and urge others to do the same. The spokesperson goes on to gratuitously attack Gregg Hart, one of our community's great friends and leaders who has served us with distinction.

Is this how people with honest differences of opinion can be expected to be treated by Pedro Nava? I support for Pedro Nava the litmus test for the independent minded Democrat?

The answer is clearly "no," no to Pedro, this is not acceptable. Californians have signaled that they want an end to the game playing and partisan infighting that dominates Sacramento. They want Republicans and Democrats to work together for the common good. And they want the focus on the public interest, not special interests.

I have campaigned vigorously on the notion of bringing the good people of our community together to find common sense and innovative solutions to our challenges. I want to represent everyone in this district, regardless of party affiliation.

I applaud Saul for this courage and dedication to his community. Saul released a statement that says "I believe the Bob is the best man to help Oxnard, regardless of his party affiliation and I support him, even if I must bear the consequences of doing so.

Let us hope he does not.

Indeed, there is a clear choice. It is time to put people before politics.

Thanks you for your support. I welcome your thoughts on this matter.

/s/ Bob Pohl

E-mails are coming in to support Saul -- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 1:28 PM
Subject: Webpage Comments

Name =
URL = peter@
Comments = Congratulations Mr. Medina for standing up and showing some
balls. It's about time people recognize that the problems California is
having involves more than just blind partisanship, personally i am an
independent with no party affiliation and i vote on the candidates merits
and you sir shall be voted for E & O "early and often" you are exactly what
this state needs.

Pasadena Tournament of Roses



Comments = I would like to nominate you for the 2005 Latino Leadership
Awards being offered by El Concilio del Condado de Ventura. What you did by
endorsing Pohl was a very brave thing and an excellent example of
leadership in your community. I live over in Camarillo - otherwise I'd be
campaigning for you. I'm a private citizen and am very involved in the
BC-04 efforts but I know a leader when I see one and what you did was a
great example of leadership. I think Oxnard could use someone like you.



Re: Endorsement of Republican costs Democratic leader his post


As a life long resident of the City of Oxnard and registered democrat, I personally endorse Saul Medina for

Oxnard City Council. Although I agree 100% with the Democratic Party’s goal to get the democratic candidates elected,  especially in the presidential and national arenas. 


I admire Mr. Medina for having the guts to follow his convictions and endorse a candidate that in his opinion would better serve the interest of the residents of the City of Oxnard, than go with the flow with what is popular among his peers. 


I would rather see councilman that speaks his mind and follows through with their convictions, than an elected official that would go with the majority for the sake of looking good and rubberstamping his /her way through their term. 


By sticking to his convictions, shows me that Mr. Medina has the leadership qualities that would be ideal in a councilman for the City of Oxnard.  It is unfortunate, that people fail to recognize that, especially, in Mr. Medina’s situation, that people who had supported him and mentored him are willing to drop you like an old hat because of a difference of opinion.   The heart of the matter is that people have to vote their conscience, not what is popular.  


At least Mr. Medina has a conscience.


As a important reminder to all the residents, no matter what newspaper headlines state, the Oxnard city council race
is a non partisan race with two open seats.  Whomever is elected to the Oxnard City Council, democrat, republican,
or green, this person has to represent the ALL residents of the City of Oxnard not just a chosen few. 



Vicky Gonzales

Oxnard, Calif.


Saul Medina, a popular Oxnard City Council candidate has landed head-first into a political bee-hive.

Medina recently associated his name with the campaign of Republican Assembly candidate Bob Pohl.

Normally, a City Council candidate may endorse any candidate but for Medina his endorsement has crossed party lines to the opposite political party. -- Invisible links in the political party-line usually defines which higher or lower office endorsements the candidate is willing to align with.

What makes this tough for Saul Medina is his office in the Oxnard (Democratic) G.O.O.D. Club and his allegiance
with the Ventura County Democratic Central Committee.   The Central Committee all but disbarred Medina today
(Tues/10-07) when the Central Committee leadership dispatched a scathing flaming e-blast about Medina's turn-coat attitude towards the Democrats and his party membership.  According to Martin Jones, a fellow-democrat:  "Saul Medina resigned from the GOOD Club today, October 5". 

Medina's endorsement of Pohl was based on Medina's assessment of Democrat Pedro Nava's work in Oxnard. 
Medina said "Bob Pohl is more for Oxnard than Nava is."   Medina reserved the right to endorse anyone whom he felt the better candidate.  

How and Why partisan politics should matter is an ethical issue which may be put to the test in this upcoming election.
How Saul proves his stand on endorsing Bob Pohl may not be needed as the publicity alone on an upcoming editorial
in the VC Star will get Saul a lot of attention at the polls.

